How to Make an Extra $100 by Writing Reviews

How to Make an Extra $100 by Writing Reviews



How to Make $100 Writing Software Reviews: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Capterra is a website that helps people find and compare software products for their business needs. It also allows users to write reviews about the software they have used and share their feedback with other potential buyers. But did you know that you can also make money writing reviews on Capterra?

How to Make $100

What is Capterra?

Capterra is a popular online platform that connects businesses with skilled writers who can provide honest and insightful reviews about their products or services. It serves as a bridge between companies seeking valuable feedback and writers looking to earn income by sharing their thoughts.

Getting Started on Capterra 

I'm going to show you guys one of the easiest ways you can make an extra $100 by simply writing reviews. So let's get started. In order to achieve that goal, we're going to make use of Capterra. And that's precisely what this website is all about. In other words, this is a place where you can get a second opinion about various pieces of software. And we're talking about everything

To begin your journey on Captara, follow these simple steps:

1. Sign Up: Visit the Capterra website and create an account. Fill in the necessary details, including your name, email address, and any writing samples you may have. Ensure that your profile highlights your expertise in reviewing products or services.

Capterra website

2. Select Your Interests: Once you've signed up, specify your areas of interest or expertise. This will help Captara match you with suitable review opportunities and ensure you can provide authentic, knowledgeable insights.

3. Build Your Profile: Craft an engaging profile that showcases your writing skills, experience, and passion for reviewing. Highlight any relevant qualifications or certifications you possess. A well-crafted profile increases your chances of attracting potential clients.

 And we're going to do it pretty much automatically so is not going to be very demanding on you, I got you covered for now what I want you to do is connect to and then select right the reviews, that's going to take you straight over to this page where you would have to sign up. When it comes to the signup process, that will not be an issue, you can either continue with your LinkedIn, or your Google account in order to save some time, or you can simply connect with your email and the password. So I'm gonna let you guys deal with that because it is very easy, so you don't need my help.

Finding Review Opportunities

 ranging from Google Drive to be Bell, Trello, Dropbox, you name it, they got it, I will simply click on this WhatsApp link. And that's going to take me to the reviews page where I can read what people have to see about it, where I can also write the review myself. And that's precisely what we're going to do in order to make money. You see, the way these works is free these simple, you're looking for people who have actually used these pieces of software in the past, and they're qualified to leave a review. And so if you have no experience with that software whatsoever, you may not be able to do it. However, guys, don't worry about that, I'm going to show you a shortcut that will allow you to virtually pick any piece of software and still leave a valuable review.

Finding Review Opportunities

    But once you have properly set up your account, then you're good to go. What you need to do is head back over to reviews at This is where you can start browsing for digital products that you can review. And you can even filter them by category. Now, if you happen to have used some of these software in the past and you actually know something about it, then you might as well just pick one of them that you're familiar with and leave a genuine review yourself. Just tell them about your experience with our software. And mind you it doesn't necessarily have to be a positive review, it can be a negative one as well. All they care about is honest feedback. So that's what we need to provide. Now guys, in order to keep things simple, here's what I want you to do, I'm just going to pick one at random, let's just say that it's Slack.

Finding Review Opportunities

 This is one that I'm actually currently using and moving on, here's what you would have to do. The first part of the quiz is about entering in some simple information, some generic info, such as your first name, and last name, you also get to enter an email address a job title, industry, company size, and things of that sort. So let me just fill this out real quick and move over to the next category. 

There will also be some questions such as in what capacity to use Slack. And there's going to be a drop-down list where you can pick your option in case you're a working freelancer, you can pick that I'm pretty sure you know how this works. 

And now when it comes to how frequently you use the software, I always recommend that you pick either daily or weekly From my experience, you don't really want to pick monthly because that means you don't really have a lot of experience with a tool.

So your review may not be qualified. And here's the tricky part.


  Eventually, once you move over to the second part of the quiz, this is where you get to rate specific features, such as the overall quality of their software, the ease of use, customer support value for money, and things of that kind. Once again, keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to pick five stores and do each one of these if you actually used it in the past. And you didn't have a great experience when it comes to the features and functionality. 

 Perhaps you might want to pick four, three, or even fewer stories. So that is entirely up to you. There are some optional features that you can rate as well, such as real-time chat, file-sharing surveys and feedback, and things of that kind.

 And you've even got more features here in case he wants to take a look at that. But once again, those are not mandatory. Likewise, you can also pick how the price compares to similar products. If you think that's an expensive product, you might as well pick that option. If you think it's a good value for the money, you can be inexpensive. And ultimately, how likely is it that you would recommend Slack to a friend or colleague this is very important as well. 

So let me feel the sale real quick. And that will then walk you through the last step of the quiz, which is actually the most important one. You see, this is where you get to actually write the review a genuine one up until this point, we have just filled out a bunch of basic details, and we have rated a few features we have entered in our personal information. We've pretty much told them nothing about Slack, nothing relevant. And so this is where you need to provide some actually valuable information. But once again, guys, this can be a tricky one. Because unless you've been working on Slack

unless you have some previous experience with that tool, you probably know nothing about it. So how can you possibly write the comprehensive review? If you've never used that tool?

how can you possibly write a comprehensive review? If you've never used that tool?

 Well, there is an answer to that. And it's actually quite simple. We are going to model what other people are doing. But we cannot just copy their reviews because Capterra is going to notice that and they will most likely block our account or simply not be asked for our contribution because we're just stealing other people's work. For that reason, you want to do something slightly different.

 Well you want to do is perform a quick Google search, you want to type in something like Slack review Capterra you want to make sure that you connect to the actual website and this is where you get to see what other people have to see about it and take a look at these reviews down here. And let me tell you, these are some comprehensive ones. These guys have actually put in some effort to write some detailed descriptions of the software so they can actually help other people with your answers. Save some time here. 

What you want to do is you can spot the reason separate box for the outside delivery review. And then the pros and the cons. In your overall experience, too,

we want to copy one paragraph at a time, but instead of just copying and pasting it in that box, we're going to slightly change it, it is still going to convey pretty much the same message and is going to have the same meaning, but it will use different wording so people will not really notice that we have just copied it. And there are two different options, you can do that, well, there are three actually, first off, you can do it yourself, you can just read that review and try to rewrite it. 

paraphrasing tool

The second thing you can do is connect to paste your text in here, and then click on paraphrase. But as you can spot there is a word limit. So you may want to only paste in a few sentences at a time pay attention to that. And the third option is the Spin bot.

paraphrasing tool

Once again, this is another AI power tool where you can just paste in your text, and then apply the basic spin.
 But the thing about the Spinbot is that it allows you to enter up to 10,000 words. And so it seems to be working a little bit better than the quill box, which wants you to upgrade as soon as you hit 125. So let's just click on the basic spin and within a couple of minutes, you should get the rewritten version right here on the right-hand side. Once again, it has the same meaning but it uses synonyms, it uses a different wording, so you can just copy that and paste it. And that's precisely what I'm going to do. Now keep in mind that we took this paragraph from the pros section. 

So you want to make sure it's a PCT in the respective one. And at this point, it is just a matter of copying and pasting. That's all you have to do.

You might have to answer a few more questions such as did you switch from another product, but as you can see, this is optional.

So once you have copied and pasted all of this paragraph, you're good to go.

How much money can you actually realistically make using Capterra?

   Can we make millions with these fake reviews? Well, certainly not. However, you can actually make an extra $100 quite easily take a look at this system, you are going to receive $5 For your first qualified review, and then $10 each for the next 10 interviews. So that is actually $105 which is not too bad. Unfortunately though, if you decide to leave more product reviews, you will not be compensated, in other words, 10 paid reviews are everything you get. That's it. And that is according to blog, which should be a nonbiased website. However, guys, there is more to it than that. You see, apart from the reviews that you get, you can also refer people to the platform and get paid extra. So if you happen to have some other friends who are interested in making some extra cash online, all you have to do is join their referral program and start sharing your own custom referral link. If people join the platform through your link, you will get compensated and according to this article right here, it is supposed to be about $5 per referral, which is not too bad, both you and your friend will get a $5 amazon gift card and you can invite up to 10 people.

Tips for Success on Capterra 

 But um, guys, let's actually take it one step further. Let's just think about it for a second. What's actually happening behind the scenes here. Well, Capterra has pretty much built a website that gets a lot of traffic, I'm pretty sure that millions upon millions of people connect to, in order to check these reviews on a monthly basis. And we can actually verify that you see, according to, they actually get about 3.5 million visits on a monthly basis, which is not bad. 

These are people coming from top-tier countries, 43% of their traffic is coming from the United States. And now let me ask you something, what is stopping us from doing something very similar to what they're doing? Well, you're probably gonna see that you don't have the money to create such an infrastructure, create a website where people can connect, and then compensate them for the reviews, and so on. And that is 100%. Understandable,

 I'm not going to ask you guys to create a platform similar to Capterra. Instead, we're just going to keep it low-key. And let me tell you something, the following method might actually be a lot more profitable than simply writing the reviews on Capterra. Because the earning potential is way, way higher. So take a look at this. You see, apart from searching for reviews on Google people also search for these reviews on YouTube. And let me tell you, there is a lot of search traffic around all of these pieces of software, people are searching for reviews, they're searching for a second opinion.

 So if I just copy the same keyword and paste it in a YouTube search tab, here's what happens. Well, we're here we're going to notice that these guys are literally getting hundreds of 1000s of views. This tutorial right here on how to use Slack has over 385,000 views. 

YouTube search

And that is not an isolated case, we're seeing a bunch of videos here on how to use Slack, the Slack basis, all of these tutorials and reviews such as this one where the pros and cons are getting a lot of traffic. Here's another comparison, one Slack versus Asana, which one is better. And so things like this actually get crazy engagement because people are actively searching for them. And in my opinion, this is where the opportunity lies. Now guys, don't get me wrong getting a $100 bonus on Capterra by writing reviews yourself is not so bad if you're just looking for some extra cash. But if you really want to make decent amounts of money with these software reviews, creating content about them is the way to go. Because there will never be a shortage of ideas that you can cover.

 If you're done recording the video about Slack you can move over to a different one. I mean there are literally hundreds or 1000s of pieces of software that you can review and these are insanely popular in case you're not going to have trouble with shooting yourself in front of the camera, you can simply record just the screen of your computer using OBS, we're very similar tool so that that allows you to screen record and that's pretty much it. You're all set. Not only are you going to generate ad revenue from YouTube once your channel gets monetized we can even have affiliate links in your description to boost your earnings and that is how you seek writing reviews to the next level by putting out videos on the same topic. 


Capterra offers an excellent platform for writers to earn money by sharing their opinions and experiences through reviews. By signing up, creating an appealing profile, and actively pursuing review opportunities, you can turn your passion for writing into a lucrative side hustle or even a full-time career. Remember to provide honest, high-quality reviews, engage with the community, and continuously improve your writing skills. With dedication and consistency, you can maximize your earning potential on Capterra and enjoy the satisfaction of monetizing your love for reviewing.

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